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Available for your event

"I was laughing, I was crying, I was inspired, and I left wanting to go do something great with my own life!" 

About Ashley

Bestselling award-winning author, Ashley Bugge, knows tragedy and triumph. From living her dream life in Hawaii, to unexpectedly becoming a military widow at the age of thirty-four, she has had to fight for her life and that of her three young children. Remarkably, Ashley has turned her tragedy into a captivating and emotional story of resilience and determination in the #1 new release of ‘Always Coming Back Home’ and has also helped her three children author ‘A Hui Hou: Until We Meet Again’ which will be published in October 2020. An avid traveler, Ashley now combines her passion of exploration with speaking opportunities to discuss her own struggles, using her personal stories to encourage and inspire others to turn their own tragedy into triumph. Ashley has established the Stay Gold for Brian J Bugge scuba diving scholarship which assists military veterans in finding their passion outside of their service by learning to scuba dive, and recently released a documentary titled, “If Only…” which details the events surrounding her husbands death. Ashley currently resides in the Pacific Northwest, USA with her three children and rescue pup, Chance, scouting out epic adventures soon to be had.

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On Resiliency 
“We can’t stop obstacles, misfortunes, and setbacks, but we can change the way we view them.”

Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts

Most people live in fear of the absolute worst scenario, and while statistically, that might not happen very often, learning to be resilient in all areas of life strengthens your family, your business, and your own staying power.
Having seen the worst and triumphed through it, Ashley shares her own journey through facing the storms of life head-on. In this keynote speech, she teaches the crucial pillars of resiliency to both corporate and community audiences:
●    Using adverse circumstances as opportunities
●    How to change your mindset from tragedy to triumph
●    Finding the courage to carve out new, unexplored paths
●    Recovery and solace while facing the worst of times
On Resiliency is a 60-minute keynote session with the option of offering books to your audience.

Bounce-Back Kids: Teaching Children to Cope with Uncertainty
A mind that’s stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

After her husband’s death, Ashley was faced with the challenge of not only communicating tragedy to her three young children, but helping them each through their individual grief processes. Ashley brings together her vast wealth of experience to teach both corporate and community audiences how to take the lead in nurturing resilient children. Key topics include:
●    The importance of making new memories as a family
●    How to confront issues head on and foster honest conversations about difficult topics
●    Listening, hearing, and supporting your child through difficult emotions
●    Answering questions with truth and practicality
●    How offering your children a broader perspective can prepare them for life
Bounce-Back Kids is a 60-minute keynote session with the option of offering both adult children’s books to your audience.


Parenting through uncertainty can be difficult, especially when life gets beyond your control. But no matter what happens, YOU CAN empower your children with the strength of resiliency.

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A Life to Remember
You only have one life to live. How will you be remembered?

No matter how disconnected or patchwork your life may seem, YOU have the power to write your own story.

Life can take strange turns, but there’s power and potential in embracing every part of your experience. If you’ve ever felt bored, unsatisfied, or too fearful to go after your dreams, you’re not alone. But instead of looking at your life as an endgame, why not see it as a journey?
Having adventured around the world as an author, speaker, single mom, EMT, bank manager, and even a documentary filmmaker (among other endeavors), Ashley breaks down how her vibrant lifetime experiences led to full-time entrepreneurship. In this keynote speech, she teaches the core components of crafting a life worth remembering for both corporate and community audiences. Topics include:
●    Overcoming self-sabotage
●    The benefits of putting yourself out there
●    How seemingly disparate experiences can come together to create something wonderful
●    Taking your first steps to craft the life you’ve always dreamed of
A Life to Remember is a 60-minute keynote session with the option of offering books to your audience.


“Ashley is an amazing author, but most importantly has conquered such devastation and is able to write about it… To learn about the life experiences between Ashley and Brian, and their young children, is definitely worth the time…”

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Available for speaking engagments!

Help inspire love & hope to other widows, servicemen & women

Using personal stories of turning tragedy into triumph, Ashley offers a unique perspective into what it means to overcome adversity and flourish from it. 

Available for groups, classrooms, team meetings, podcasts and more! 

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